
Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk
Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk

Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk

Initially this solution only worked on windows, using the dotnet feature of php. It involved disassembling a dll, piecing together information cached by google from different parts of the forum when it was active and a lot of head banging. Nonetheless, I managed to put together somewhat of a hack. Most importantly, there was no way to integrate with many languages, like python, php etc.The documentation left so many details out.

Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk

  • The SDK in my opinion was terribly lacking.
  • Lack of access to the software forum, in fact there was no way to reach the developers and seek for help.
  • This started when I needed to implement a fingerprint solution to an existing php codebase, with a very limited amount of time. You might have to make a few easy tweaks to fit your needs Introduction What you have here is just a proof of concept. Since then I have made many iterations and improvements. Please note that php is not my primary language and this whole project started as a necessity.

    Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk

    FingerPrint web App FingerPrint Enrolment and Verification web App using Digital Persona U.are.U 4500 FingerPrint Scanner and SDK v3 in PHP

    Digitalpersona U Are U Sdk